
Volunteer Application Form 2023

  • 1
    Contact Details
  • 2
    Festival Options
  • 3
  • 4
    Code of Conduct
  • 5
    Terms & conditions
  • 6
    Final step

Date of Birth (All volunteers must be 18 years old or over)

Do you have the right to work in the UK? Our volunteers must be able to work in the UK.

Please provide us with proof of identity (passport / driving licence etc)

Drop files here or Click to select file.



Which festival are you interested in?


Where did you hear about the event?*

It may help us place you in a role most suited to you if you can tell us about any previous experience in a similar role, or at another event (max 500 characters)

Please provide a reference's name, position & email address



We welcome hard-working, proactive and friendly volunteers to join the Quick Panda Productions team.

Our code of conduct outlines a few rules so that we’re all on the same page and know how to behave both on and off shift. We want every single team member to come away having had only the best weekend experience.

Here are the main points to abide by at the festival:

  1. I understand that I am representing Quick Panda Productions at all times and therefore will behave in a professional and appropriate manner that reflects the reputation and values of Quick Panda Productions.
  2. I will exhibit a positive and friendly approach with the purpose of ensuring all festival attendees and volunteers have an enjoyable and memorable experience.
  3. I will treat festival attendees and fellow volunteers with equal respect regardless of gender, age, disability, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
  4. I understand I will be removed from shift, have my wristband removed and forfeit my refund if my behaviour is assessed to be inappropriate or unsafe.
  5. I will deliver all equipment used (such as radios, cash machines and buggy keys) and cash raised back to a Quick Panda Productions staff member immediately after each shift ends
  6. I will not carry out my volunteering shift under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.
  7. I understand I will be charged the amount of my festival ticket if I miss a shift without a valid reason (for more info about the deposit system please see our terms and conditions here)
  8. I will follow the festival’s rules and not visit any areas to which I do not have authorised access.
  9. I understand I will forfeit my deposit if I am deemed to have breached this Code of Conduct.

Just be the nice people you all are, and enjoy making some amazing memories.

If a volunteer engages in harassing behaviour, please do not hesitate to contact another member of the festival team. They will take the appropriate action including warning the offender, expulsion from the festival or immediate withdrawal from their festival duties.

If you have any questions about the volunteering code of conduct please contact us on Dale@quickpandaproductions.co.uk


As is the nature of live events, we may be required to make changes to our volunteer’s schedule which may result in the need to amend your shift or position. We will always aim to do all we can to avoid this, but should there be a need to amend your role, we will contact you to discuss your options.

Acknowledgment and Confirmation


Volunteering Terms & Conditions

Shifts and hours of volunteering.

When you sign up as a volunteer, you are making a formal commitment to volunteer 2 – 3 shifts which are each 6-8 hours long.

You can request to volunteer the same shifts as your friends who have also signed up to be a volunteer and we will do our best to accommodate.

Shift rotas will be released between 8 -10 days before the festival start date.

Proving your right to volunteer in the UK

To volunteer with Quick Panda Productions you must have the right to work in the UK. If you do not have the right to work in the UK, or do not understand what we mean by right to work, please email Dale@quickpandaproductions.co.uk

Confidentiality, intellectual property and data protection

When you register to become a Volunteer with Quick Panda Productions, We will keep your personal data, as provided in the volunteer sign up form, to run our service. This will be stored and used in line with GDPR policies. We will need to share your data within Quick Panda Productions to be able to process any tickets. Quick Panda Productions will never pass on any personal data to any other companies or send you marketing without your permission. If you're interested in how and why we store your data, you can read our Privacy Notice here.

Capturing photos, videos and sound recordings

By signing up as a volunteer, you are agreeing that any photographs, videos, and/or sound recordings taken of you may be used for Quick Panda Productions promotional purposes. This includes use by partners and sponsors of QPP. You can opt-out of this agreement by simply emailing Dale@quickpandaProductions.co.uk or speaking to a member of staff directly at the festival. You can opt-out at any time, including at any point after the festival.

Camping and access to festival site

Quick Panda Productions will allocate camping space in the festival’s staff camping area where volunteers have access to staff toilets and showers. We ask that all volunteers stay within our designated camping area unless you have specific requirements (in which case please email Dale@quickpandaproductions.co.uk directly).

Please note that we only provide a meal to our volunteers while on shift, but you can bring a camping stove to cook with or buy meals from festival vendors out of shift hours. There will also be an area with tea, coffee, kettle and microwave to be able to make food and drinks while on shift.

Our volunteers are representatives of Quick Panda Productions and must act respectfully and follow regulations stipulated by the festival itself. This includes not entering areas to which you do not have authorised access and behaving appropriately within the campsite (i.e. keeping the area clean and keeping respectfully quiet during the nights/early mornings).


New volunteers are required to pay a deposit of £50 to secure their place at their festival of choice. Returning volunteers must pay £20. Your deposit will be returned to you in full except in the following circumstances:

  1. If you cancel your position within 3 weeks (21 days) before the festival start date*
  2. If you do not complete all your allocated shifts*
  3. If you violate our volunteer code of conduct
  4. If you do not return all equipment given to you for use during your shifts (i.e. radio, card machine, other equipment)

* If you have a valid reason for cancelling or not completing your shifts (such as illness and you can show us a note from a medical centre), we will return your deposit in full.

How would you like to hear from us?